简介:Protein Ladder is a mixture of 10 blue-, orange-, and green-stained proteins (10 to 180 kDa) for use asThermo Scientific PageRuler Prestainedsize standaros in oroiein electroohoress SDS-PAGE and wester lofino. The orotein adder is suno ied in a readv-o-use format tor direcoading onto cels: no need to heat. reduce. or add samole bufer oror to use. Compare and view al other protein standards and ladders 4pplicatons : Monitoning protein migration during SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis , Monitoring protein transfer onto membranes after western blotting Sizing of proteins on sDS-polyacrylamide gels and western blots".
简介:Description: The 61D3 monoclonal antibody reacis with human CD14, a 53-55 kDa GP-inked glycoprotein. CD14 is expressed on monocytes.nterfollicular macrophages and some dendritic cells.Complexes of LPS and LBP (LPS-Binding Protein) bind with high afinity to monocytes throughthe surface CD14. Applications Repoted: The 61D3 antibody has been reported for use in fow cytometic analysis.Applications Tested: This 61D3antibody has been pre-titrated and tested by flow cytometric analysis of normal human peripheral blood cells. This can be used at 5 p. (0.25 ug)Der test.A test is defined as the amount (ug) of antibody that will stain a cel sample in a final volume of 100 pl. Cell number should be determinedempirically but can ranoe from 1045 to 10'8 cells/test. Excitation: 633-647 nm: Emission: 660 nm: Laser. Red laser. Filtration: 02 um post- manufacturing filtered.
简介:MA1-934 detects human, bovine, mouse, and rat calcium sensing receptor. MA1-934 has been successfuly used in Westemn blotmmunohistochemistry, and ELSA procedures. By Wester blot, this antibody detects an 150 and 130 kDa proteins from human HEK-293 cells. Thisantibody has also been used in immunohistochemical on frozen bovine parathyroid gland and rat thyroid gland. The MA1-934 immunogen is a syntheticpeptide corresponding to residues (214) A D D D Y G R P GE KF RE E AE E R D1(235) of human calcium sensing receptor."
简介:MA5-15256 recognizes native and denatured foms of GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) and its many popular varants: EGFP, YFP, EYFP, and CFPMA5-15256 has successfuly been used in immunoprecipitato.ELISA. Western bloting. and immunouorescence applications MA5-15256 may bestored at 4'C short term.Add 0.05% sodium azide if desired. For long term storage, store at -20°c, avoiding freeze/thaw cycles.