
  • 26616/PageRuler™ P
    品牌: thermo
    品牌: thermo
    Protein Ladder is a mixture of 10 blue-, orange-, and green-stained proteins (10 to 180 kDa) for use asThermo Scientific PageRuler Prestainedsize standaros in oroiein electroohoress SDS-PAGE and wester lofino. The orotein adder is suno ied in a readv-o-use format tor direcoading onto cels: no need to heat. reduce. or add samole bufer oror to use. Compare and view al other protein standards and ladders 4pplicatons : Monitoning protein migration during SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis , Monitoring protein transfer onto membranes after western blotting Sizing of proteins on sDS-polyacrylamide gels and western blots".
  • 34580/SuperSignal™
    品牌: thermo
    品牌: thermo
    hem0 Sclenic SupeSiona WetPico PLUS 学发光底物是一种增强型学发光 ECL 时复化 HPP)底物,通过蛋白质免鸡析进行皮克级至高飞克级的蛋白检测。SuperSional west Pico PLUS 化学发光底物的特性包括:。灵敏度:皮克至飞克级灵敏度,稳定性:室温下,工作溶液可保持稳定 8h;试剂盒可保持稳定 1年·兼容性: 确酸纤维和 PVDF 膜信号持续时间: 6 至 24 小时·推荐一抗度: 1:1,000- 15.000稀释度(0.2-1.0 ug/mL)·推荐的二抗浓度: 1:20,000-100,000 稀释(10-50 ng/mL)。
  • 17100017/Collagena
    品牌: thermo
    品牌: thermo
    "I型胶原酶以滚组织梭前制备,用于细胞和组织的解离。] 型胶原酶可应用于如下组织制备细胞:。上皮组织。肺·脂肪。肾上腺组织 胶原酶是一种蛋白酶,它能够特异性的结合 Pro-X-GC-Pr房列中,中性氛基酸(X)和甘复酸之间的肤键,该序列高频率的存在于胶原中。胶原酶是唯一的一种可以降解广泛存在于结缔组织中的具有三股螺旋的天然胶原纤维的蛋白酶。Life echnooies 大家庭中的细胞培养产品。 Life echnoloaies公司已准备就绪。以满足您的细胞培养需要一个全面的洗择,包括培养其,营养添加剂,盐溶液,缓冲液,化学物质,解离试剂和转染的试剂。您可以依靠“格的质量控制和技术支持,以保证您的满意。仅供研究使用。 不用于任何动物或人类治疗或诊断使用。
  • 2321D/DynaMag™-2
    品牌: thermo
    品牌: thermo
    DynaMag"-2 磁力架过优化,可在小 2 mL) 样品量中对所有类型的 Dynabeads@(直径范用 1-4.5 um) 进行有效的磁性分离。DynaMagm-2磁力架具备有效分离所需的强大磁力,可在标准微量离心管中进行高效磁性分离,同时结合了灵活智能的人体工程学设计。"理想工作体积:10-2.000 L·在带编号的位置中容纳多达 16 标准 1.5-2 ml 微量离心管,良好的样品控制和能见度,可以快速地将顶部的管架从磁力架基座上卸下以用于重县、涡旋、旋转或手动震荡样品"
  • 17-0149-41/CD14 Mo
    品牌: thermo
    品牌: thermo
    Description: The 61D3 monoclonal antibody reacis with human CD14, a 53-55 kDa GP-inked glycoprotein. CD14 is expressed on monocytes.nterfollicular macrophages and some dendritic cells.Complexes of LPS and LBP (LPS-Binding Protein) bind with high afinity to monocytes throughthe surface CD14. Applications Repoted: The 61D3 antibody has been reported for use in fow cytometic analysis.Applications Tested: This 61D3antibody has been pre-titrated and tested by flow cytometric analysis of normal human peripheral blood cells. This can be used at 5 p. (0.25 ug)Der test.A test is defined as the amount (ug) of antibody that will stain a cel sample in a final volume of 100 pl. Cell number should be determinedempirically but can ranoe from 1045 to 10'8 cells/test. Excitation: 633-647 nm: Emission: 660 nm: Laser. Red laser. Filtration: 02 um post- manufacturing filtered.
  • MA1934/Calcium Sen
    品牌: thermo
    品牌: thermo
    MA1-934 detects human, bovine, mouse, and rat calcium sensing receptor. MA1-934 has been successfuly used in Westemn blotmmunohistochemistry, and ELSA procedures. By Wester blot, this antibody detects an 150 and 130 kDa proteins from human HEK-293 cells. Thisantibody has also been used in immunohistochemical on frozen bovine parathyroid gland and rat thyroid gland. The MA1-934 immunogen is a syntheticpeptide corresponding to residues (214) A D D D Y G R P GE KF RE E AE E R D1(235) of human calcium sensing receptor."
  • MA515256/GFP Monoc
    品牌: thermo
    品牌: thermo
    MA5-15256 recognizes native and denatured foms of GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) and its many popular varants: EGFP, YFP, EYFP, and CFPMA5-15256 has successfuly been used in immunoprecipitato.ELISA. Western bloting. and immunouorescence applications MA5-15256 may bestored at 4'C short term.Add 0.05% sodium azide if desired. For long term storage, store at -20°c, avoiding freeze/thaw cycles.
  • NP0007/NuPAGE™ LDS
    品牌: thermo
    品牌: thermo
    NUPAGE LDS 样品缓冲液 4X)可针对采用 NUPAGE NOVex 凝胶进行的变性凝胶电泳应用制备蛋白质样品。其中含有十二烷基磺酸理 OH 8.4),可最大限度提高还原剂活性。






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